Adorno’s Noise (fragment)
consents to statements one knows ultimately to implicate murder (A Score)
········· I have never seen a dead confounding array of information
········· one a vast circular logic two we agreed to park it
········· three each has been brought forward in the preceding statement mental distance is necessary I am serving in the Senate
········· It’s buoyed our spirits a road improvement plan excuse it them, in times of peace
········· my sound mind’s distance having become a bit overbearingly loud no person pictured one two three brought forward in the summons
········· dined is the precise sentence designating a complete thought whether vegetarian or the poet suffered a word death the outcome could not have been predicted having become reliant upon
········· other people stepped between many saw it coming two persons riveting against our better judgment the invasive species was permitted to appear in unprotected
········· blind spots or cloture osmosis one vagrant two crying out loud three each has been brought forward in the future site
········· cite lived there first “this is not prose” still riveting Rosie became the symbol of unemployment the constitution revels in formalities I think I know what this document is trying to convey what I was to it, without question who it was to it, without question
········· suffered a word death knowing the literature the dotted line they signed I have never seen a song with words intermixed such that all figures of speech borrow strikes from their roots It is not that some grave responsibility awaits It is not that this pleasure of Where the accused stand waiting It is not that this picture of
········· Where the was protected by With So that an appeal there not being thus to be done now actions are caused by chemicals Leaving the earth for a phrase: I had met her in the dark
и прядет она нить
втягиваясь глубже
в сердце
сердца лабиринта
привлечена эxoм
запахом вскрытой плоти
загадочным и знакомым
чертя на стене
иероглифы ногтями
и кровью тянет ее
ближе к рогам
шерсти и грустным и влажным
черным глазам дилеммы
но какой родственник ближе
чем минотавр наш
брат наш костный мозг наше
мясо и наш жир наш
конец и спасение наш
проводник решающий нашу
судьбу будто судьба была
способом наложить руки на
душу души
но никто не знает лучше
чем сын пасифаи
что ничто не может быть известно
внутри этих коридоров
ничто что известно
от слоя к слою
лука что сладок
и заставляет плакать
дедалу пришлось создать
два лабиринта
танец под землей
пируэт в воздухе
а все что он хотел от жизни
это жить на поверхности
жена сын кувшин вина
дешево и счастливо и богато
как глина нежится между
морем и солнцем
и землей